38% of Kirkuk Girls Are Circumcised
By Nergz Qadir
According to a statistic by (Pana) center 38% of girls in Kirkuk are circumcised, according to the same center's statistics in the first six months of this year (102) girls have been circumcised.
In a statement for Warvin program officer of Pana (Awezan Nouri) said, according to their newest on field statistics 38% of girls in Kirkuk are circumcised.
She added "In that rate 15% of them are under age of (20) though this rate has decreased, still 15% is a high rate and we will accelerate our efforts to stop this phenomenon".
She mentioned that (350) girl had participated in that survey and their center will continue holding surveys and activities as such.
Before in a statistics by (Pana) center, in the first 6 months of this year (102) girls were circumcised where (65%) of them are Kurdish ethnicities (25%) are Arabs and (12%) are Turkmens.