Genital mutilation of Southern Kurdistan (Iraq)
Part 1
IntroductionWith the genital mutilation of girls at an early age is to control the future of women's feelings and sex drive. Their view of women is degrading. Women should be a property, and only to satisfy the man. The woman's dreams of love will not be an issue. Without thinking about the difficult physical and psychological consequences puts still with female genital mutilation.
The report consists of statistics of the affected areas, the victims' comments and interviews with various organizations. The purpose of this report series is to arouse a debate issue of genital mutilation in Southern Kurdistan (Iraq). We are asking the Kurdistan Regional Government - KRG to immediately put a total end to female genital mutilation. Laws must be enacted against female genital mutilation and the guilty must be prosecuted and punished. For a systematic monitoring, a supervisory authority is organized.
In this report we are publishing beyan Nasihs interview. She is responsible for the international organization WomenAid. She has fallen victim to genital mutilation. Bayan has launched a campaign against genital mutilation, and want the matter be taken up by the WHO and other organizations.
In cooperation with international organizations and CHAK-European EHR has produced this report. Thank you to everyone who participated in this work.
Bayan Nasih:
"Genital mutilation is a serious detail crime!"
Interview: Gabar Çiyan / Zarathustra News
WomenAid is a politically and religiously independent organization working with women, both nationally and internationally, which are vulnerable to all forms of oppression, with the focus on abuse, prostitution and rape. The association will work to raise debate and make visible the oppression of women in society in order to influence policymakers and others to create a better life for these women. The association can also initiate and / or participate in various types of project activities aimed at its target audiences. It must also work to raise money to then be given to organizations working with concrete actions among these groups. WomenAid has its headquarters in Stockholm.
- Can you tell me about yourself. Who is Bayan Nasih?
I was born and raised in a village that is 1 mil from the city of Kirkuk, and lived there until I was 15 years. In 1985 the village was destroyed by the regime and were levelled to the ground. The people either deported to southern Iraq or to refugee centers in Erbil (Bneslawa and Dareto). I went school in the village Hasar and middle school and high school in Kirkuk. I was the first and only girl in the village which was read on after school, thanks to my dad and my mom who wanted me to have an education and a profession. I finished reading the economy and statistics at Baghdad University. 1991-1993 I worked as voluntary social workers and as an employee with two German organizations in Kurdistan. I have committed myself in the women's liberation in Kurdistan since 1992. I came in 1995 to Sweden as quota. 2005, I received a Bachelor's degree in Social Work at Stockholm University - School of Social Work. Today I'm working as social secretary kvinnofrid in Stockholm.
- What is WomenAid and what do you use?
I am a board member since 2007 for WomenAid in Sweden, a non-profit, politically and religiously independent organization working with women, both nationally and internationally, which are vulnerable to all forms of oppression. Our aim is to arouse debate and make visible the oppression of women in society in order to influence policymakers and others to create a better life for women and children. As responsible for international activities, I have chosen to make visible women in other parts of the world. For example : Kurdistan is an example to start with. Women in Kurdistan is very close in heart and I really live with it.
- We know that you are preparing you to send an open letter with the petition to the WHO regarding genital mutilation in Kurdistan. The situation is so serious in Kurdistan?
I took the initiative in a call, in the context of international UN day against female genital mutilation February 6. The letter to WHO on genital mutilation case from 2008-02-06 up to 2009-03-08.
I am sure that things are so much more serious than we think. Statistics on female genital mutilation, which occurs in southern Kurdistan, and including, in many suburbs in the city of Kirkuk, does not cover the whole region. We do not know the extent of the mental and physical suffering caused by genital mutilation.
It is not unusual that many married genitally mutilated women accused their husbands that they are "cold" and "worthless". I expect the WHO to draw attention to problems in the area and add Iraq to the list of countries where genital mutilation occurs. They should be cooperation with local authorities to develop a national program. To disseminate knowledge about the negative impact on girls' and women's health is very important.
- What would you like to the human rights organizations and the KRG to remedy genital mutilation in Kurdistan?
I expect from the organizations that they start a national campaign for the whole of Kurdistan with a focus on knowledge and disadvantages of genital mutilation of girls and the entire society. It is a question of human rights, equality and democracy. I myself became a victim of genital mutilation when I was 5 years old and know what it means to undergo this torture. I do not want today's young girls in Kurdistan should be treated as I was treated in the spring of 1975. Now we live in the 2000's and I feel ashamed to genital mutilation is not banned in Kurdistan. KRG should prohibit and condemn genital mutilation by a law as soon as possible, there should be a criminal offence to implement it. They should support all the actors who work against genital mutilation, economically and mentally. KRG will begin with a campaign by all television channels, radio, mosques, hospitals, etc. party rooms against genital mutilation. It should be repeated many times at different times by the media. They can actually start today.
- We know that you became the victims. Can you tell me about how the process of genital mutilation begins and ends, in Kurdistan?
It is not easy and talk about it here ... I am a victim but I do not want to be called for the victims. This only creates anxiety. My focus is now on that no more girls will be about 20 years and asks themselves why they were genitally mutilated. Genital mutilation of girls in Kurdistan is very discreet. There is no party in the same way when the boys circumcised. I must say that I am opposed to boys also are circumcised; it is still a violent attack against innocent children.
Genital mutilation is often made by someone else. A woman who has learned from others and be known in an area that she does "Xetena or the Sunna." We are not talking with the girl "Now we go and cut if you" no! It is just there and did not understand a thing and do not know what this is about, until you understand that it is something serious. Then you are just scared. It often happens that some girls become victims together. Either is a woman hold of the victim, or two. I was quite narrow and small at the time; it was just a woman who gave me, very hard. She pressed my hands and thighs. It can be fatal if it is under attack. Shaking of fear and powerlessness. Suddenly, the pain and spreading like fire throughout the body. Genital mutilation is often at the 5-7 age but it can vary. They use the razor. It ends by women saying that they are good girl and that you should not cry. Otherwise, no one and look at how the wound looks like and how to wash. When you are 5-7 years when it is not known how a wound wash.
- How do you feel after these years?
I began reading the famous feminists and the doctor's books Newal Al-Sadawi from Egypt on women's sexuality and the effects of genital mutilation since I was 16 years. Then I became so angry and disappointed, I recognized myself in the women she wrote about. I felt only sadness when I thought of that when I am in love and got married then I will never be a whole woman. Now I am aware that there is an attack on fundamental human rights. I know they have damaged my human value due. ignorance and faith in old traditions and many myths, for example that a girl be clean and obedient if she genitally mutilated.
To the World Health Organization (WHO)
Genital mutilation of girls in Iraqi Kurdistan / Northern Iraq
Genital mutilation in Iraqi Kurdistan, but Iraq is not on the WHO's list of countries where genital mutilation occurs. This is a list that will be used to influence the WHO, to put Iraq on its list. It would be an important first step to stop it as the girls in the region are exposed to!
The purpose of this call is to alert the world to the barbaric torture and similar treatment of little girls that appear in certain parts of Iraqi Kurdistan in northern Iraq. Statistics and most scientific studies is a reflection of the alarming problem of genital mutilation in the region. Some of the underlying causes of this taboo phenomenon can not speak highly of is ignorance and a conservative approach to women's body and sexuality. We who sign this petition want Iraq to be added to the WHO's list of countries where genital mutilation occurs. This was the problem of genital mutilation attention internationally. At the same time, authorities on the spot put under pressure to act.
The German association Wadi working since 2004 in place against genital mutilation. In early 2008 conducted the examination of 25 schools in the area Bitwen in Kurdistan. It turned out that from a total of 1733 girls in 1645 pieces had been genitally mutilated. This is a terrible crime against both the CRC and the basic human rights!
The regional government- KRG has rejected the latest in December 2008 a bill designed to prohibit female genital mutilation in Kurdistan. This is just one example of children's and women's human rights are not given priority by the local authorities. Some statistics related to other parts of Iraq are not available.
We must demand a total ban on genital mutilation and that girls and women who, because of the treatment received but for life, the help they need!
Here you can sign your name:
or visit the www.womenaid.se where you can find the link to the name of the collection. It will continue up to and including 2009-03-08
For more information contact Bayan Nasih on bayan.nasih @ womenaid.se